As I reflect on our Gospel Reading this 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time and throughout the Gospel Readings this month of August, we have been reading the book of John Chapter 6.  In the past few weeks at Mass, we find the miraculous signs where Jesus feeds five thousand (Jn 6: 1-15), Jesus walks on the sea (Jn 6: 16-21) and the wonderful discourse on the Bread from Heaven and the Words of Eternal Life. In this amazing chapter, we feel Jesus speaking to us which reveal the mystery of His Person and the reason for His coming. 

After these miraculous signs and upon hearing the discourse, many disciples left him and stopped following him and Jesus knew who would betray Him. His own people did not accept Him. Jesus even asks the 12 Apostles “do you want to go away too?” (Jn 6: 67).

I contemplate on what I would do; am I ready and capable to receive the Eucharist, or will I take the easy way out and remain luke warm.

We learn how Jesus is our living bread that gives us life and sustenance for the journey. We take much pains in keeping our body alive and labour rightfully so for earthly bread. Man does not live by earthly bread alone. It is essential to take pains and effort for our spiritual food and nourishment that is life giving and lasts forever.  Jesus is The Word of God, consubstantial with the Father since the beginning, and will be till the end of time. Pope Benedict XVI points to the new, higher substance that the Lord gives us in the Holy Sacrament as the true bread of life.

Not a common bread nor common drink do we receive, but since Jesus Christ our Savior was made incarnate by the Word of God and had both flesh and blood for our salvation (humanity and divinity), so too the food that has been made into the Eucharist is both the flesh and blood of our incarnate Jesus (St. Justin Martyr).  At the Last Supper the night before Jesus died, He took bread said the blessing, broke it and gave it to His disciples saying “Take, eat; this is my body” (Matt 26:26).  Giving thanks, Jesus said “Drink from it, all of you; for this is my blood of the covenant” (Matt 26:28). This Word of Christ endures in the Church, in the Sacraments, and in the Eucharistic celebration renewed daily.

Pope St. John Paul II stresses it is the Body of Christ who transforms us into Himself. Sharing in the Eucharist is the culmination of our assimilation to Christ. Taking part in His sacrificial banquet does not only entail repeating His gestures but also means drinking the same cup and taking part in the same immolation as Christ makes himself “bread broken” and “blood poured out” for us.  Each of us is called to join Jesus in offertory to give our lives for others; and our lives to bring Christ life to others in union with the life of the Redeemer.

In Jn 6:61-62, Jesus said “Does this upset you? What if you should see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before? It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh has nothing to offer.” Jesus wanted His hearers to understand that it is in the triumphant state of His ascension to heaven. His glorious Body is filled with the life of the Holy Spirit and that is why He can sanctify all who feed on it and give them pledge of eternal glory.

We learn from our Blessed Mother Mary, whose life was truly a Eucharistic existence as she offered her own flesh, her own blood to her divine Son and became the true Ark of the New Covenant, the living Tabernacle of God made man. We ask our Blessed Mother Mary to help us to open our being ever more to the transforming presence of Christ (Pope St. John Paul II and the Mystery of the Eucharist).

In 1910, Pope St. Pius X in his decree Quam Singulari, lowered the First Communion age of children from 12 years and in places 14 years to 7 years; reflecting the importance of receiving Jesus at a tender age. It is such a joy to have our children to be united to Jesus Christ and living in Him.  Christ Himself is present at every Eucharist in which we encounter the living God.  We are called to full active participation in the Mass, a communion with Christ.  We become what we eat as we partake the Body and Blood of Christ. Peter’s declaration of truth to our Lord Jesus Christ proclaims “You have the words of eternal life.  We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God” (Jn 6:68).

Again, the question beckons, am I ready to receive the Eucharist to join Jesus in offertory and that our lives can bring Christ life to others?  In this book of John chapter 6, would you take some time to reconsider your faith, prayerfully seek and make time to understand the Word of God amidst our rushed lives. Reconsider how do I welcome and look forward in mind and heart each time to our Eucharistic celebration with joy and gratitude, the source and summit of the Christian life.  For your reflection, listen in to this beautiful hymn and lyrics of “The Supper of the Lord.”


Precious body, precious blood, here in bread and wine;

here the Lord prepares the feast divine.

Bread of love is broken now; cup of life is poured:

Come share the supper of the Lord

Verse 1

This is the bread of God coming down from heav'n,

Giving life to us, to all the world.

Verse 2

I am the living spring of eternal life;

you that drink from me shall not thirst again.

 Verse 3

I am the bread of heav'n giving life to you

You that eat this bread shall never die.

Verse 4

All those who feed on me, have their life in me

As I have my life in the living God

Article by Olivia Tan, HFC Blog Contributor


