Happy 6th Sunday of Easter to you. Hope that you are continuing to be faithful to the Lord & fruitful in His Love & Service.
Today’s scripture readings are all about LOVE. And to ensure that we get it right, St John tells us very clearly in our 2nd Reading that it’s not about our love for God but God’s love for us, made visible in Christ Jesus our Lord, who sacrificed His life to save us (cf 1 John 4:10 & Romans 8:39).
Indeed, God’s Love is not reserved for a select or privileged few but is given to all. In the Acts of the Apostles Chapter 10 (our 1st Reading today), we see this at work in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in abundant measure upon a Gentile (non-Jew) named Cornelius and his household. Truly as St Peter declares: “God does not have favourites, but anybody of any nationality who fears God and does what is right is acceptable to Him.” (Acts 10:34). Such is the great Love & Generosity of God for us all. He pours His abundant Love into the hearts of us all by the Holy Spirit whom He has given to us (cf Romans 5:5).
What, then, is our response to this immense Love that God has for us? The key is found in our Gospel today from John 15:9-17. Jesus says to us: “Remain in my love … so that my own joy may be in you and your joy be complete.” (John15:9,11) By remaining in Jesus, the True Vine (from last Sunday’s Gospel), His divine life & love will continually flow into us, His branches, to bear good & lasting fruit (cf John 15:16). This lasting fruit we bear, that is nourished & nurtured in us is ‘the fruit of the Holy Spirit – Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Trustfulness, Gentleness & Self Control’ (cf Galatians 5:22-23).
So, my dear brothers & sisters in the Risen Lord, a good question to ask ourselves, now & on an ongoing basis is: Am I producing the Holy Spirit’s fruit in my life? Am I living in love, joy & peace with others & myself? Am I patient & kind to others & myself? Do I trust in God’s plan for my life in all things? Do I treat others with kindness, care, gentleness & humility? Can I regularly exercise self-control in thought & speech, mood and temperament, & personal habits like eating, drinking, exercise & entertainment? If we find ourselves falling short, let’s not be discouraged! Let’s continue to turn to Jesus & remain in His Love!
Since our theme is on Love, here's an inspiring popular song from the Musical “Aspects of Love” titled “Love Changes Everything”:
Article by Damian Boon, HFC Blog Team Lead